- Bond Buyer Index
- фин., амер. индекс "Бонд Байер"* (один из индексов цен муниципальных облигаций, публикуемых в газете "Бонд Байер")Syn:See:* * *индекс, публикуемый в Bond Buyer
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Bond Buyer Index — An index published by The Bond Buyer, a daily finance newspaper that covers the municipal bond market. Investors use the Bond Buyer Index to plot interest rate patterns in the municipal market. Traders use the daily Bond Buyer Index to trade… … Investment dictionary
Bond Buyer 11 — An average yield on a particular day of 11 selected general obligation municipal bonds with an average AA rating, maturing in 20 years. It is comprised of 11 of the 20 bonds in the Bond Buyer 20. The Bond Buyer 11 is published by The Bond Buyer… … Investment dictionary
Bond Buyer 20 — A representation of municipal bond trends based on a portfolio of 20 general obligation bonds that mature in 20 years. The index is based on a survey of municipal bond traders rather than actual prices or yields. The Bond Buyer 20 is published by … Investment dictionary
Bond Buyer's municipal bond index — A municipal bond price tracking index published daily by the Bond Buyer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Bond Buyer — A daily publication featuring many essential statistics and index figures relevant to the fixed income markets. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Bond (finance) — In finance, a bond is a debt security, in which the authorized issuer owes the holders a debt and, depending on the terms of the bond, is obliged to pay interest (the coupon) to use and/or to repay the principal at a later date, termed maturity.… … Wikipedia
bond — 1 n 1 a: a usu. formal written agreement by which a person undertakes to perform a certain act (as appear in court or fulfill the obligations of a contract) or abstain from performing an act (as committing a crime) with the condition that failure … Law dictionary
Corporate bond — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal … Wikipedia
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary
индекс среднего дохода по одиннадцати облигациям — Средний доход на определенный день одиннадцати облигаций, обеспеченных общей (безусловной) гарантией муниципальных иластей, со средним рейтингом АА и сроком погашения 20 лет. Индекс составлятся на основе 11 из 20 облигаций, образующих индекс… … Финансово-инвестиционный толковый словарь
ИНВЕСТИРОВАНИЕ — INVESTINGПод И. понимается вложение капитала с целью получения прибыли. Ожидаемая прибыль может быть в виде дивидендов, процентов или увеличения реального капитала. Попытка извлечь выгоду из кратковременных изменений стоимости актива называется… … Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов